The House of Representatives has commenced the process of amending “a Bill for an Act to Amend the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Management of Nigeria Act, 2007, to align with Global Procurement Professional Practices and for Related Matters” (HR. 346/2924).

The Public Hearing on the amendment brought together major stakeholders in the sector.

While declaring the event open, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas said that contributions at the hearing would enable the House have a better understanding of the bill.

Abbas said; “effective supply and procurement was crucial to the growth of the economy.”

He applauded the House Committee on Public Procurement for the outstanding organisation of the event.

The Speaker thanked the stakeholders present at the event for their continued support to legislative businesses.

He said; “As the people’s House, this important public hearing reinforces our dedication to an open, participatory, and consultative parliament, as outlined in our Legislative Agenda and demonstrated during the recent Open NASS Week, which we organized to engage with the masses. Public hearings are a key legislative process designed to provide relevant stakeholders and the public a robust opportunity to participate in parliamentary practice. This ensures that your views, feelings, and aspirations are captured in the legislative framework, guarantees better legal outcomes.” 

Abbas noted that “it is well known that effective procurement and supply processes play a vital role in economic growth and development and essentially provoke efficient public service delivery.”

The need to reform the Chartered Institute of Purchase and Supply Management, the professional body became imperative to modernize the profession in line with global standard practice to stimulate enhanced proficiency on the part of the practitioners and to foster greater positive results in public and private governance. It is against this background that I urge you to embrace this opening offered by today’s legislative platform in a holistic manner to make potent and resourceful contributions needed to strengthen this reform process,” the Speaker explained.

The Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Public Procurement, Uyime Idem said that the House in plenary on Wednesday, 28th February 2024, considered a bill seeking to amend the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Management of Nigeria Act, 2007 to be in tandem with what obtains in the Procurement Professional Practice Across the Globe and for Related Matters (Hb. 346).

He said after much debate on the bill, the bill was referred to the Committee on Public Procurement for a more robust legislative input from procurement practitioners and stakeholders.

The lawmaker said that “the House considers public hearing as an utmost avenue to distill public opinion and check the pulse of the nation over the activities of the House.”

Idem noted that the CIPSMN bill is considered a priority because of the important role it has played in shaping professionals in the field of purchasing and supply chain management in Nigeria and the development of high standard professional skill, ability and integrity among all those engaged in procurement practice.

He said; “As we settle in to consider the issue before us at this hearing on the CIPSMN ACT, our contributions and submissions should be guided with the fact that we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them and also align our whims and caprices towards the renewed hope agenda of this present administration. Permit me to cease this opportunity to reiterate the commitment of the House of Representatives Committee on Public Procurement to upholding the legal and institutional framework for the enthronement of transparency, accountability, value for money and efficiency in the procurement of works, goods and services within Ministries, Departments, Agencies, and Parastatals as stipulated in the Public Procurement Act, 2007.

Strict adherence and due process compliance with the PPA, 2007 is MANDATORY for all MDAs, to avoid legal repercussions and ensure the efficient and ethical utilisation of public resources.” 

In his submission, the representative of the Bureau of Public Procurement, Mr. Bello Nasir, said that the Bureau is willing to work with the the Chartered Institute of Purchasing And Supply Management to create room for synergy between the two agencies.

The Secretary of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing And Supply Management of Nigeria, Dr. Abdul Maman said that the be conflict of duties between the operator and regulators needed to be addressed.

He added that it was necessary to assess the needs of procurement officers in Nigeria and for the government to recognize members of the Institute as professionals.