The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja has congratulated Muslims, saying the overlapping of all Lenten and Ramadan seasons this year offered a good lesson for Nigeria and it’s people to live in harmony with one another.

Lieutenant General Taoreed stated this in his message to the Muslim faithful as they end the 2024 Ramadan fast successfully.

In a message, he felicitated the officers, soldiers, and civilian staff of the Nigerian Army and family members on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr 2024.

He said; “Eid al-Fitr is of great religious, cultural, and social significance to the Muslim faithful and all members of the Nigerian Army Community Having undertaken the CHIEF OF ARMY STAFF spiritual exercise with other Muslim faithful worldwide, I believe that your fasting, acts of charity, love, patience, and perseverance have strengthened your relationship with Almighty Allah and enhanced your humanness.”

These spiritual exercises according to him created a solemn atmosphere for Christians and Muslims alike to reflect and pray for the nation and leaders while navigating the current economic and security realities that the country faces.

He expressed hope that the faithfuls has also spared a moment during the Ramadan fast to pray for the repose of the souls of the departed colleagues who paid the supreme price in the line of duty and the families they left behind.

He acknowledge and appreciated the personnel for their continued contributions towards ensuring the total defeat of adversarial elements troubling the nation.

The Army Chief noted their commitment and sacrifices in the fight against terrorism, banditry, oil theft, illegal mining, and other forms of criminalities challenging the existence of Nigeria which have not gone unnoticed by the government and the people of Nigeria.

General Lagbaja acknowledged that the government of the day has, within available means, kept faith with its promise to make the welfare of members of the Armed Forces and their families of uttermost importance. The only way to reciprocate this the Army Chief said “is by redoubling efforts at creating the right environment for peace and economic prosperity of our people and country.”

He therefore challenged his men not to rest on their oars as they continue to work with sister services and other security agencies in implementing strategic policies of government through successful operational activities and effective tactical actions.

He assured the personnel of continued prioritisation of their welfare while maintaining the sanction and reward system which characterise the sound administration pillar of his Command Philosophy, “To transform the Nigerian Army into a Well-trained, Equipped and Highly Motivated Force Towards Achieving our Constitutional Responsibilities within a Joint Environment.”

To the personnel unable to reunite with family for Eid al-Fitr due to operational commitments, the Army Chief extended heartfelt appreciation for their sacrifice and service. He saluted their unwavering sense of duty and dedication to the nation

Securing the nation against all forms of threats, internal and external, is a duty the Army is constitutionally bound to perform and service that must be rendered to the fatherland he said.

The Army Chief expressed hope that the men would continue to imbibe the lessons of Ramadan and espouse the acts of charity, kindness, and patience, among other virtues emphasised during the fasting season.

He appreciated the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Bola Tinubu for his continuous support to the Nigerian Army saying “it is a privilege for him to lead this great Army at this period in our Nation’s history.”

The Chief of Army Staff reaffirmed the unwavering loyalty and resolve of the Nigerian Army in the defence of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the fatherland.

The Nigerian Army he said remained committed, determined, and focused on ensuring the total defeat of insurgents, marauding bandits, and all other forms of external and internal threats to our dear country.

He therefore challenged the men to renew hope and faith in the unity of Nigeria and continue to fight for the just cause of keeping Nigeria safe and secure as they celebrate Eid-al-Fitr 2024.