The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has declared three days of prayers for God’s intervention and mercy in view of the killings, banditry and other problems being witnessed in the country.

CAN National General Secretary, Daramola Joseph, announced this in a circular dated May 11, 2021, and to all Christian leaders.

He noted that the prayers were scheduled to hold between May 28 and 30, 2021 in the evenings.

Read the circular below:

11th May 2021
To All:
National Leaders,
Bloc Leaders,
Zonal Chairmen,
State Chairmen & their Secretaries.
Dear Sir,


This is to inform you that the CAN President, in view of the continuous killings, banditry, and host of other problems in Nigeria has considered it imperative and absolutely necessary that our country needed prayers for God’s mercy and intervention in our land.

Consequently, all local churches are expected to gather in the evening of each day set aside for the prayers to pray to God in the attitude of mourning or soberness for the bloodshed of many innocent Nigerians most especially Christians.

In the light of these, the following are the suggested prayer points to be followed during the said prayer meetings;

o That we are sad and pained for the blood of many innocent Nigerians that evil people in our midst had shed or for those kidnapped and abused in various ways. That God should forgive our sins wherever we as a church or Nigerians, especially our leaders had sinned against God.

o That the plans of the evil people in our midst to paralyze human, social and economic activities in this nation and throw the nation into chaos would be foiled by the Lord Jesus Christ.

o That any religious madness, or war that would not allow us to worship God in the way we are convinced to worship Him would be nullified by the Lord.

o Pray that the church would prevail over all threats to her existence in Nigeria. That the gate of hell will never prevail against the church in the name of Jesus.

o That our leaders would do justice in leadership and show fairness to all ethnic and religious groups in all their actions so as to douse ethnic and religious tensions we have presently.
o That the law enforcement agents would rise to their responsibilities and provide the necessary security we need in Nigeria.

o That every step the terrorists, bandits, kidnappers, gunmen and other wicked people in our midst take henceforth would be failed. That unseen hands and the army of the Lord would fight them and Nigeria would be at peace.

o Pray and plant righteousness, Godliness, prosperity, peace, and love in our nation.

o Pray for the speedy recovery of our nation from all our losses so that this nation might become very soon a nation that everyone in the world would love to be.

o Pray to break the yoke of the generational curse that might have been placed on Nigeria and her leadership during the slave trade by the victims.

Thank You

Daramola Bade Joseph
CAN’s National General Secretary
11 May 2021