Senator Umeh Warns Troublemakers In Labour PartySenator Umeh Warns Troublemakers In Labour Party

Senator representing Anambra Central in the National Assembly, Victor Umeh has warned troublemakers causing division and strife in the party to desist in order to reposition the party for greater success in the next general election.

Umeh who spoke yesterday in his country home, Aguluzigbo during the thanksgiving mass to mark his successful political journey from APGA to Labour Party, emerging victorious during the election and legal battles to the Senate also maintained that Labour Party remains the political boat to use in their political journey.

He recalled all the battles fought and travails he went through when he was blocked from flying the Senatorial flag of APGA during the 2023 general elections despite having served as the party’s national chairman for 10 years.

He said that when all odds seemed to be against him in his political journey with his chances foreclosed in APGA, God intervened and made it possible that he reconciled with Mr. Peter Obi whom he had been in political estranged relationship for 10 years.

He attributed the success recorded in his eventual journey to the Senate to the grace of God and the enormous goodwill of Mr. Peter Obi whom he described as his brother.

He recalled how he was paid back in bad coin by the incumbent governor of Anambra State whom after he campaigned vigorously for him, acted as collation officer for him in INEC and eventually delivered him as Governor. He said that he bears no grudges but has handed everything over to God.

“Labour party is the party we will use in our political journey. That party that Peter Obi is now the National Leader is our own. I know practically everything about party politics having been APGA National Chairman for 10 years. If this thing going on in Labour Party continues, I will draw my dagger and that party will be quiet. Nothing will happen that will destroy the party.”

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God works in mysterious ways. This victory was made possible through the immense goodwill of my brother Peter Obi. I started my political journey with him in 2001, fought all the battles with him, he triumphed, we triumphed too until the enemies of progress came in and separated us but after 10 years, God said, against the wishes of people and men, that two of us will come together again.

“When I was returned as the party flag bearer, I made a speech and it is on record that I said that above all things that God has done for me, none is greater than the reconciliation I’ve achieved with my brother Peter Obi. This is because my disagreement with him was uncalled for at the first instance. It was the handiwork of some people who put spanner in our wheel of progress.

“The incumbent governor of Anambra state presently, I was totally involved in his campaign, acted as his collation agent in INEC, delivered him as Governor before the ugly development happened. If what happened pleased God, I wouldn’t be here today, but it did not please God. Ingratitude is a cardinal sin, and it is important I said this so that you can know my stand. I’m not against anybody but in the house of God, what is not proper should be described as what it is. So, I’m appealing to all of you to be focused because we need leadership that is combined with good work and empathy towards fellow human being in Anambra. I’ve made my point and I want to say My Lord that having unburdened my heart, I bear no grudges anymore. Whatever anyone did badly to me, I’ve forgiven. Whatever God says will be, will be and no human can stop that.

The thanksgiving mass was presided over by Cardinal Peter Okpaleke of Ekwulobia Diocese and con-celebrated by Archbishop Valerian Okeke of Onitsha Archdiocese and Bishop Paulinus Ezeokafor of Awka Diocese.


The Sun