Israel Plans To Block Al Jazeera BroadcastingIsrael Plans To Block Al Jazeera Broadcasting [Photo Credit: CNN]

The Israeli parliament passed a law granting the government authority to prohibit TV channels, including Al Jazeera, from broadcasting.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to take immediate action to shut down Al Jazeera’s local office.

The United States expressed apprehension about this decision. Al Jazeera’s Gaza-based staff has been among the few journalists able to report on the conflict in the absence of foreign journalists in Gaza.

The Knesset approved the bill, which permits the temporary banning of foreign networks perceived as a national security threat. Each ban can last up to 45 days and is renewable.

Netanyahu labeled Al Jazeera a “terrorist channel” and accused it of having ties to Hamas, an allegation the network vehemently denies.

Al Jazeera accused Israel of deliberately targeting its staff, including instances of fatalities, though Israel denies such claims.

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Qatar, where Al Jazeera is headquartered, is mediating negotiations between Israel and Hamas.

The move by Israel to ban Al Jazeera may impact the ceasefire talks, which have previously been facilitated by Qatar. This move is also concerning to the United States.

Al Jazeera, founded in 1996, has been known for its critical coverage of governments in the Middle East and has faced censorship in several countries in the region.