Brazilian police recommend charging ex-President Bolsonaro for altering Covid vaccination records to favor himself and his family.Brazilian police recommend charging ex-President Bolsonaro for altering Covid vaccination records to favor himself and his family. [Photo Credit: BBC]
Brazilian police recommend charging ex-President Bolsonaro for altering Covid vaccination records to favor himself and his family.

Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes lifted the confidentiality of a police report accusing former President Bolsonaro of criminal association and data falsification after the media reported his indictment.

This decision follows a year-long investigation into whether false vaccination data was entered into the health ministry’s database to provide Bolsonaro and his family with vaccination proof ahead of international trips.

Bolsonaro has not publicly addressed Tuesday’s accusations but has previously denied any wrongdoing. His spokesman and lawyer, Fabio Wajngarten, called the indictment “absurd” and criticized the lack of access to the report.

During the pandemic, He downplayed the severity of Covid-19 and questioned vaccine efficacy.

A congressional inquiry revealed delays in obtaining vaccines while promoting unproven treatments like hydroxychloroquine. Despite this, Bolsonaro was not charged at the time. Brazil suffered over 700,000 Covid-19 deaths, the second-highest globally.

Police allege Bolsonaro instructed Lt. Col. Mauro Cid Barbosa to obtain false vaccination records, which were printed from the presidential palace. The report was based partly on Cid Barbosa’s testimony after he signed a plea bargain.

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A total of 17 people, including Bolsonaro and Cid Barbosa, were indicted by the federal police.

The case now goes to Brazil’s attorney general, who will decide whether to file a complaint, request further investigation, or close the case. If a complaint is filed, the Supreme Court could eventually convict the Ex-president.

Bolsonaro is also under investigation for an alleged coup attempt after the 2022 election defeat and for allegedly attempting to bring $3 million worth of jewelry from Saudi Arabia into the country without declaring it to customs agents.


