The Iwa Akwa ceremony also known as “cloth wearing”, an initiation into manhood is one of the most cherished and celebrated cultural ceremonies of the eastern part of Nigeria. Precisely, in some communities in Imo State such as Ehime, Alike Obowo, Uboma, Ihitte, Okwuohia, Amakohia, Umunumu Nsu etc. It is a ceremony that entails the passage of a young boy into manhood. The participants are usually mates of a certain age- grade.

It is passionately celebrated every 3 years by these communities that have faithfully held the torch on behalf of Igbo people. The reason behind the celebration been three years is that the Igbos believe that it takes three years to wean a child. Hence, they observe a gap of at least three years before having another child. These males, born within three years circle form an age- grade. The Iwa- Akwa takes place between the ages of 24-26 years old.

Iwa Akwa ceremony

The immediate elder age-grade set plays a very significant role towards their younger age-grade set including the selection of members of their junior age-grade, guiding them, teaching them the customs of the land, and closely supervising them until they lead them for their main market square display.

This ceremony is normally a two-days event. On the first day, previous celebrants come to ‘show their seniority’ to the new initiates. Preparations start as early as dawn. Prospective initiates assemble at the Village Square. They come with buckets they will use to fetch water from the stream for the seniors to drink. Each initiate, no matter how highly placed in society, is expected to carry out this task without complaining; and the water they fetch must be ‘very clean’ or else they will be sent back.

Iwa Akwa ceremony

After this, the initiates will be made to clean the senior ones’ shoes – as a mark of respect. And this must be done without complaint. This teaches service and humility to the prospective initiates.

If this task is carried out successfully, the initiate is given a pass mark and allowed to go home. That is when celebration starts.

If a candidate misses out on the exercise, the whole group will match to his family house and seize valuables to compel him to come and perform his own rites. And when he returns, he will have to pay certain amount of money as fine to bail those items. As soon as the rites are completed, the initiates will match home barefooted. Sometimes the seniors have asked initiates to kneel down under the sun for hours to confirm their patience and loyalty.

Meanwhile at the family homes of the initiates, relations will be busy preparing lots of home made delicacies for visitors coming for the reception which starts from 6.00pm and lasts till about 1.00am and often beyond.

On the second day of the ceremony, which is the big day, the events starts in the church. Where initiates will hold out their brand new george wrappers to be blessed by the priest.
After that, each initiate will take his wrapper home, spread it in front of his compound. This is to indicate that an initiate is in that compound. No one is expected to touch the hung wrappers until the senior ones come at about 10.00am. They will bring it down themselves and tie it on the waist of the celebrant. The wrapper used has a symbolic representation. It is a symbol of coverage. It is assumed that they initiates were naked children before but they are now clothed adults. After that, it is time to match to the Village Square. Each initiate is expected to match down with different musical artistes playing. There are displays of cultural dances and masquerade performances. Musical bands will also be retained at the homes of the initiates to make the occasion lively.

The celebrants march to the market square with the musical artistes playing melodious tunes. After these, each initiates returns to his home, to continue with his reception party held in his family compound, with so much dancing and merriment. Some initiates are even done in absentia, when the participants is unavoidably absent.

After this ceremony, the initiates will deemed eligible to partake in community discussions, pay dues and take part in the decision making.

The three years preparations of Iwa- Akwa ends with the main market display of all the initiates for the year as the appear with their elegant long-woven george wrapper costumes. During the market square display only those performing the ceremony are allowed to enter the ring while the rest stay by the side to watch. The initiates move and dance in a single line within the ring.

Sometimes the initiates would be carried shoulder high by the seniors. After their Iwa-Akwa, it would be their turn to hand down the tradition to the next age-grade. Within the three years, the parents of a prospective initiate would perform the “Ishi Nri” Iwa-Akwa ceremony. This mini-ceremony is intended to announce to the community that their son is of age and would participate in the upcoming Iwa-Akwa ceremony.

Every male child of these communities looks forward to this adult initiation ceremony as well as becoming a part of an age-grade system.

After their Iwa-Akwa, it would be their turn to hand down the tradition to the next age-grade. The next set will commence their preparations recognizing and respecting their elder brothers. This is a way of teaching and maintaining traditional respect of one’s elder no matter one’s stature or status.


Uhuri cultural centre
Amp project