The Nigerian Government has inaugurated a 12-member Inter-Ministerial Committee for the 2021 Independence Day Celebration.

The Chairman of the Committee and Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, Boss Mustapha said the Committee was inaugurated to plan, organise and execute all approved activities befitting the 61st Anniversary coming up on October 1st, 2021.

Inaugurating the Inter-Ministerial Committee in his office, Mustapha, said he was confident that the members of the Committee would come up with innovative means of celebrating Nigeria’s 61st anniversary.

The SGF urged the newly inaugurated Committee to articulate specific details of the 61st Anniversary celebration and to come up with an appropriate theme for it.

‘’As we prepare to articulate specific details of the 61st Anniversary celebration, it is also important that we come up with an appropriate theme that would speak not only to the present situation in the country, but most importantly, the positive trajectory that we are all working towards for the greater benefit of all Nigerians,” he noted

According to Mustapha, the 60th Independence Anniversary was premised on a one-year celebration which spread over the period to end by September 30th 2021.

He added that the committee would be implementing some activities designed by the sub-committee which include an award night, church service, Jumma’at prayers and National Broadcast and Independence Day Parade.

The Committee Chairman further stated that the theme of last year’s Independence Anniversary, “TOGETHER” has spoken to the events the nation has witnessed in the past one year. This he said has contributed immensely in uniting the nation in spite of the odds and are gradually addressing the issues that tend to separate the nation.

Responding, the Chairman of the Ownership Sub- Committee of the Nigeria @61 and the Minister of Industries, Trade and Investment, Adeniyi Adebayo gave the breakdown of the stewardship of the committee during the 60th Independence Anniversary.

This according to him included; the exhibition of made in Nigeria products, photo exhibitions that would showcase Nigeria’s political history, among others.

Adebayo said as part of the event marking the 61st Independence Anniversary, there would be Nigeria @60 Special Awards ceremony to recognized and honour 60 exceptional Nigerians who have contributed immensely to the development of the economy on September 3rd, 2021.