Four UN peacekeepers were killed in an offensive against a complex attack on their camp in Aguelhok, Mali’s northern region of Kidal.

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) confirmed this in a press release on Friday.

“This April 2, at about 6.15 a.m., the peacekeepers valiantly repulsed a complex attack launched by several heavily armed terrorists on the camp of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in Angelhok,’’ the UN mission said.

A provisional toll shows four peacekeepers were killed and some others injured, it said.

The mission added that the injured were evacuated by helicopters for medical cares.

In the press release, MINUSMA strongly condemned the “despicable terrorist attack” and reiterated its determination to protect the populations and world peace.

The UN peacekeeping mission did not state precisely the nationality of the deceased peacekeepers.

Ten MINUSMA peacekeepers have lost their lives during their mission this year.