Rev. Fr. Barnabas Nwabor

A Catholic Priest, Very Rev. Fr. Barnabas Nwabor has urged Christians to show love to one another as Christians celebrate Easter around the world.

Fr Nwabor who is the Superior of the Holy Ghost Fathers, South West region, said the Easter message is love and it was because of the love God has for humanity that made him send his son to die for mankind.

He said Easter is a Christian festival commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

It is regarded by many as the highest celebration in Christendom as it celebrates the defeat of death and the hope of salvation.

Fr Nwabor said; ”Humanity was incapacitated and helpless and Jesus came as our saviour and gave us hope. The resurrection of Jesus Christ changed the course of the world’s history and events.”

He also talked about the impact of Christ’s teachings, his death and ressurection on humanity.

“One of the major ways in which the resurrection affected mankind is through the fact that most of the beliefs that people lived by before the coming of Christ, which actually were not or no longer relevant or potent for a victorious, happy and fulfilled life, were all questioned and challenged by Jesus.

“At the end of the day, these beliefs were, by the resurrection of Jesus, proven to be false and deceptive. Hence, we declare that the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ exposed and destroyed the deceptions because it proved His works and teachings to be true and worthy of belief.”

According to Fr Nwabor, Jesus came to undo the work of the devil, He came as a light to dispel the darkness and set his people free.

“The real deceiver is the devil himself while the scribes and Pharisees were agents of the enforcement of the deceptions. Therefore, the resurrection of Christ affords us a new lease of fulfilled life in Christ,” he added.