Nigeria's President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan

The President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan has felicitated Nigerians, particularly the Christian faithful, as they join their counterparts globally to celebrate Easter.

Lawan says Easter is one of the most important events in the Christian calendar which is to celebrate the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Preach love
He urges Nigerians “to use the  occasion to preach religious tolerance, love for our neighbours and commit to our civic responsibilities.

“Building a great nation requires sacrifice, endurance and hope. This is especially true in our own case where diversity in tongues and faiths make the task complex…But with abiding hope in our manifest destiny of greatness, I believe we shall overcome the challenges and build the Nigeria of our dream.”

Support for Government
The Senate President enjoined Nigerians to continue to support the Government in its efforts to provide security and enabling environment for economic growth and  prosperity.

Lawan said; “The National Assembly will continue to work for the people in this regard and in their legitimate pursuit of peace, happiness and prosperity in their beloved country.

“The Ninth Assembly has stayed focused on its legislative agenda and has been providing legislative support to government and its policies. 

“Our various Committees are currently working on the various proposals for amendment of the 1999 Constitution and the Electoral Reforms Act to mention just a few as well as the Petroleum Industry Bill.”

“Finally, I enjoin us to continue observing the Covid-19 safety protocols and to seize the opportunity whenever it arrives to take the vaccine that has been made available against the disease.

”I wish you all a happy celebration,” the Senate President added.

